Welcome to skmn.org

Personal web presence of Marc Siekmann
Dear visitor,

My name is Marc Siekmann and I am a Software Engineer located in Düsseldorf, Germany.

Kind regards

Professional background & activities

Employed by Henkel

I am with Henkel since 2015 and positioned in a software engineering department of the company's IT organization. I am working as a DevOps Engineer with main focus on the corporate eShop for Adhesives technologies.

#work #henkel #job #h3nk3l

code editor
Lecturer for Berlitz

I am freelancing for Berlitz Germany teaching computer science courses and programming. Engaging with students to share my knowledge regarding coding, app/web development and general IT skills is really exciting while also challenging. I appreciate being part of Berlitz "Digital School" and thus having a stake in shaping the talents of tomorrow.

#digitalschool #tech #programming #coding

github screen
Check me out on GitHub

You can find me on GitHub to get a glimpse of what projects I am working on in a Software Engineering context. Open Source technology is one of the key factors of shaping our future. Let's make the world better by contributing to the technology of tomorrow!

#github #opensource #cloudnative #cncf

"Artificial Intelligence usually beats natural stupidity."


Personal interests

soccer team

My passion for football has been rising up from my early childhood. Currently I am filling the Right Back position for GSV Langenfeld, an amateur football club in Germany. Click on the banner to check out my player profile.

#football #soccer #goal #2 #gsv


To travel is one of the most exciting activities to do in life. I have visited plenty of countries on different continents but there are unexplored adventures yet to come. Seeing the world through your own eyes is the perfect way to shape unforgettable memories.

#travel #vacay #vacation #world

Water sports

"The ocean is life" - but what can make life better? Probably a boat. Saying that I am a proud owner of a speed boat and officially licensed to steer boats in coastal and inland waters. Navigating through the see with a decent amount of horse power conveys a feeling of freedom and limitless.

#boating #sea #ocean #watersports

"Football is not only sunshine."

Lothar Matthäus